Aleksandra Nenadic

Research Software Training Lead, Software Sustanability Institute, UK


Aleksandra is an IT professional who spent most of her working life in academia and research. Over the past years committed to ongoing improvement of research software practice through training and community engagement. Driving the trends in training for researchers and scientists in computational and data analysis skills forward and designing and developing new training curricula. Maintaining the UK’s pivotal role within the international research training community by running events, training instructors, helping academic and industry organisations deliver training for researchers and handling national and international collaborations and outreach with various communities. Prior to moving into training and technical project management, worked as a senior research software engineer in academia and gained experience in a variety of software platforms, infrastructures, technologies, programming languages and software product management.

Work Experiences

Research Software Training Lead

Software Sustainability Institute, UK | 2016 - present

  • Working to improve the provision and access to training in foundational computational and data analysis skills to reseachers and postgraduates to aid open and reproducible research by diffusion of a model of training based on pedagogical research and principles of openness and collaboration
  • Engaging with research and academic institutions, Doctoral Training Centres, industrial partners and research communities worldwide and providing them with consultancy, guidance and support around building capability and capacity in computational skills
  • Helping to increase the scale at which we create computationally skilled researcher base by running instructor training and lesson development training programmes, with a particular focus on inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility strategies for sidelined audiences.

Technical Training Coordinator and Product Manager/Lead Architect

ELIXIR-UK node, part of EU Life Sciences Infrastructure Project ELIXIR | 2014 - 2016

  • Product Manager/Lead Architect - designed, project managed and co-developed the TeSS training portal (developed in Ruby on Rails) for browsing and automated discovery of life sciences training resources
  • Co-founded and co-led the BioSchemas standard and community for the development of markup to structure online (datasets, software, and training) resources in life sciences

Product manager

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK | 2013 - 2014

  • Product manager for Taverna (scientific workflow execution system developed in Java) and BioCatalogue (registry of web services in life sciences, developed in Ruby on Rails and deployed on an Openstack academic cloud)

Senior Research Software Engineer

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK | 2008 - 2013

Development, deployment and maintenance of several software products:

  • Taverna (scientific workflow execution system developed in Java)
  • BioCatalogue (online registry of WSDL and REST Web services from the Life Sciences domain; Ruby on Rails product deployed on an Openstack academic cloud)
  • BioVel (virtual e-laboratory for biodiversity research; Ruby on Rails product deployed on Amazon’s AWS cloud)
  • SCAPE EU (digital preservation platform developed using Hadoop/MapReduce paradigm)
  • NeISS (platform for social simulations developed using Java portlets and Ruby on Rails)

Post Doctoral Researcher & Research Software Engineer

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK | 2005 - 2008

  • Research and development of a Single Sign-On Shibboleth-enabled bridge to access the (Higher Education's) National Grid Service
  • Feasibility study including requirements engineering and consulting on levels of authentication assurance for the UK Research and Higher Education communities and their online services

Research Associate & Research Software Engineer

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK | 2002 - 2005

  • Research and development a Single Sign-On, multi-factor authentication solution for federated identity and access management
  • Research and development of security protocols for secure digital signing and online exchange of digital goods

Software engineer

eMobile (UK) Ltd., Manchester, UK | 2000 - 2001

  • Mobile phone app developer for the first generation of Internet-enabled phones - Ericsson R320 and R380 (WAP, WML)

ORACLE database developer

DUEL, Belgrade, Serbia | 1999 - 2000

  • Developing financial applications accessing an underlying ORACLE database (PL/SQL, ORACLE Fusion Middleware)


My various activities, either voluntary or as part of my roles, revolve around reproducibility, openness, transparency and inclusivity in research. They mainly include project management, open leadership, growing open communities, delivering training and organising events.

Research Lifecycle Programme - Skills and Workforce Development Theme Lead

2024 - present

The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) is a portfolio of projects that will improve the experiences of The University of Manchester’s research community. My role is to help improve staff retention, training and development opportunities and create clear career progression pathways within and between different faculties and schools for research support, early-career academics and technical staff.

Carpentries Lesson Development Trainer

2021 - present

Carpentries Lesson Development Programme is teaching the skills required to collaboratively create open source lessons, including iterative backward design and development, creating lesson websites with The Carpentries Workbench, and collaboration skills

Carpentries Executive Council member

2021 - 2023

Carpentries Executive Council is responsible for strategic and organisational planning, financial oversight, resource development, approving and monitoring The Carpentries programs and services.

UK Carpentries community lead

2021 - present

Leading the UK Carpentry instructors community, engagement activities and montly calls, providing welcoming and inclusive environment for the community to network, share their experiences, explore topics of interest, and find collaborators for training related projects.

Carpentries community engagement

2014 - present

Spreading the adoption of The Carpentries model of teaching, advocating and supporting institutions on becoming members of The Carpentries community, recruiting more members into the community and training instructors to help grow the capacity. Organised and taught at over 40 workshops.

Lead conference organiser, CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019


Project managed the organisation of the event

Conference organiser, CarpentryCon Madison 2020


Responsible for website, outreach and programme

Conference organiser, RSE Conference 2017


Responsible for website and local organisatio.

Expert at Mozilla Open Life Sciences Leadership Programme

2019 -2020

Guiding early stage researchers and potential academic leaders to becoming Open Science ambassadors.

Curriculum advisory committee member for Health Data Research UK


Helping devise a training curriculum for public health research

BBSRC national capabilities review panel member


Reviewing UK bioscience and bioinformatics national capabilities institutions

Volunteer at EuroPython Edinburgh 2018


Involved with 'Beginner's Day', helping people start coding with Python or solving their coding/data problems.

Volunteer at Hacktoberfest Manchester 2019


Helping people start coding with Python, R and git or solving their coding/data problems as part of month-long celebration of open source software by DigitalOcean, GitHub and Twilio, and locally organised by PyDataMCR, HER+data MCR, RLadiesMCR, PythonNW, and Django Girls MCR.