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Introducing Version Control

Version control is centred round the notion of a repository which holds your directories and files. We'll start by looking at a local repository. The local repository is set up in a directory in your local filesystem (local machine).

Create a new repository with Git

We will be working with a simple example in this tutorial. It will be a paper that we will first start writing as a single author and then work on it further with one of our colleagues.

First, let's create a directory:

   $ mkdir papers 
   $ cd papers

Now, we need to set up this directory up to be a Git repository (or "initiate the repository"):

   $ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/papers/.git/

The directory "papers" is now our working directory.

If we look in this directory, we'll find a .git directory:

  $ ls -a
branches  config  description  HEAD  hooks  info  objects  refs

.git directory contains Git's configuration files. Be careful not to accidentally delete this directory!

Tell Git who we are

As part of the information about changes made to files Git records who made those changes. In teamwork this information is often crucial (do you want to know who rewrote your 'Conclusions' section?). So, we need to tell Git about who we are,

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global ""

Set a default editor

When working with Git we will often need to provide some short but useful information. In order to enter this information we need an editor. We'll now tell Git which editor we want to be the default one (i.e. Git will always bring it up whenever it wants us to provide some information). \ You can choose any available in you system editor. For the purpose of this session we'll use nano:

$ git config --global core.editor nano

To set up vi as the default editor:

$ git config --global core.editor vi

Git's global configuration

We can now preview (and edit, if necessary) Git's global configuration (such as our name and the default editor which we just set up). If we look in our home directory, we'll see a .gitconfig file,

$ cat ~/.gitconfig
name = Your Name 
email = 
editor = nano

This file holds global configuration that is applied to any Git repository in your file system.

Add a file to the repository

Now, we'll create a file. Let's say we're going to write a journal paper:

$ nano journal.txt

and add headings for Title, Author, Introduction, Conclusion and References, and save the file.\ git status allows us to find out about the current status of files in the repository. So, we can run,

$ git status journal.txt

Information about what Git knows about the file is displayed. For now, the important bit of information is that our file is listed as Untracked which means it's in our working directory but Git is not tracking it - that is, any changes made to this file will not be recorded by Git. To tell Git about the file, we will use the add command:

$ git add journal.txt
$ git status journal.txt

Now, our file is now listed as one of some Changes to be committed.

git add is used for two purposes. Firstly, to tell Git that a given file should be tracked. Secondly, to put the file into the Git's staging area which is also known as the index or the cache.

The staging area can be viewed as a "loading dock", a place to hold files we've added, or changed, until we're ready to tell Git to record those changes in the repository.

In order to tell Git to record our change, our new file, into the repository, we need to commit it:

$ git commit

Our default editor will now pop up. Why? Well, Git can automatically figure out that directories and files are committed, and who by (thanks to the information we provided before) and even, what changes were made, but it cannot figure out why. So we need to provide this in a commit message. So let's type in a message. "Initial structure and headings for the journal paper."

Ideally, commit messages should have meaning to others who may read them - or you 6 months from now. Messages like "made a change" or "added changes" or "commit 5" aren't that helpful (in fact, they're redundant!). A good commit message usually contains a one-line description followed by a longer explanation, if necessary.

If we save our commit message, Git will now commit our file.

 [master (root-commit) c381e68] This is my journal paper.
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 journal.txt

This output shows the number of files changed and the number of lines inserted or deleted across all those files. Here, we've changed (by adding) 1 file and inserted 9 lines.

Now, if we look at its status,

$ git status journal.txt
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

nothing to commit means that our file is now in the repository, our working directory is up-to-date and we have no uncommitted changes in our staging area.

To see the history of changes that we made to our repository (the most recent changes will be displayed at the top):

$ git log

The output shows: the commit identifier (also called revision number) which uniquely identifies the changes made in this commit, author, date, and your comment.

Now let's make some more changes to our journal.txt file . If we now run,

 $ git status journal.txt

we see changes not staged for commit section and our file is marked as modified. This means that a file Git knows about has been modified by us but has not yet been committed. So we can add it to the staging area and then commit the changes:

$ git add journal.txt
$ git commit

Note that in this case we used "git add" to put journal.txt to the staging area. Git already knows this file should be tracked but doesn't know if we want to commit the changes we made to the file in the repository and hence we have to add the file to the staging area.

It can sometimes be quicker to provide our commit messages at the command-line by doing:

$ git add journal.txt
$ git commit -m "Added subsection headings." 

Let's add a directory, common and a file references.txt for references we may want to reuse:

$ mkdir common
$ nano common/references.txt

We will also add a few lines to our paper (journal.txt). Now we need to record our work in the repository so we need to make a commit. First we tell Git to track the references. We can actually tell Git to track everything in the given subdirectory:

$ git add common

All files that are in "common" are now tracked. We would also have to add journal.txt to the staging area. But there is a shortcut. We can use option "-a" for "commit". This option means "commit all files that are tracked and that have been modified".

$ git commit -am "Added common directory and references file with Cohen et al reference and described data in the paper"

and Git will add, then commit, both the directory and the file.

Looking at our history

To see the history of changes that we made to our repository (the most recent changes will be displayed at the top):

 $ git log

Git automatically assigns an identifier (COMMITID) to each commit made to the repository. In order to see the changes made between any earlier commit and our current version, we can use git diff providing the commit identifier of the earlier commit:

$ git diff COMMITID

And, to see changes between two commits:


Using our commit identifiers we can set our working directory to contain the state of the repository as it was at any commit. So, let's go back to the very first commit we made,

$ git log
$ git checkout COMMITID

We will get something like this:

Note: checking out 'c4354a9c578aa5b81d354d8b3330fda7b9b23d3e'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
    git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at c4354a9... Added sections

HEAD is essentially a pointer which points to the branch where you currently are. We said previously that master is the default branch. But master is actually a pointer - that points to the tip of the master branch (the sequence of commits that is created by default by Git). You may think of master as two things: one as a pointer and one as the default branch.

When we checked out one of the past commits HEAD is pointing to that commit but does not point to the same thing as master any more. That is why git says You are in 'detached HEAD' state and advises us that if we want to make a commit now, we should create a new branch to retain these commits.

If we created a new commit without creating a new branch Git would not know what to do with it (since there is already a commit in master branch from the current state which we checked out c4354a…). We will get back to branches and HEAD pointer later in this tutorial. \ If we look at journal.txt, we'll see it's our very first version. And if we look at our directory,

$ ls

Our directory with the references is gone.But, rest easy, while it's gone from our working directory, it's still in our repository. We can jump back to the latest commit by doing:

$ git checkout master

And common will be there once more,

$ ls
common journal.txt

So we can get any version of our files from any point in time. In other words, we can set up our working directory back to any stage it was when we made a commit.

Top tip: Commit often

In the same way that it is wise to frequently save a document that you are working on, so too is it wise to save numerous revisions of your files. More frequent commits increase the granularity of your "undo" button.

While DropBox and GoogleDrive also preserve every version, they delete old versions after 30 days, or, for GoogleDrive, 100 revisions. DropBox allows for old versions to be stored for longer but you have to pay for this. Using revision control the only bound is how much space you have!

Using tags as nicknames for commit identifiers

Commit identifiers are long and cryptic. Git allows us to create tags, which act as easy-to-remember nicknames for commit identifiers. For example,


We can list tags by doing:

$ git tag

Now if we change our file,

$ git add journal.txt
$ git commit -m "..." journal.txt

We can checkout our previous version using our tag instead of a commit identifier.

$ git checkout VER_REVIEWED_BY_JOHN


What is a branch?

You might have noticed the term branch in status messages,

$ git status journal.txt
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

and when we wanted to get back to our most recent version of the repository, we used,

$ git checkout master

Not only can our repository store the changes made to files and directories, it can store multiple sets of these, which we can use and edit and update in parallel. Each of these sets, or parallel instances, is termed a branch and master is Git's default branch.

A new branch can be created from any commit. Branches can also be merged together.

Why is this useful? Suppose we've developed some software and now we want to add some new features to it but we're not sure yet whether we'll keep them. We can then create a branch 'feature1' and keep our master branch clean. When we're done developing the feature and we are sure that we want to include it in our program, we can merge the feature branch with the master branch.

We create our branch for the new feature.

-c1---c2---c3                               master
             c4                             feature1

We can then continue developing our software in our default, or master, branch,

-c1---c2---c3---c5---c6---c7                   master
             c4                                feature1

And, we can work on the new feature in the feature1 branch

-c1---c2---c3---c5---c6---c7                   master
             c4---c8---c9                      feature1

We can then merge the feature1 branch adding new feature to our master branch (main program):

 -c1---c2---c3---c5---c6---c7--c10              master
            \                   /
             c4---c8---c9------                 feature1

When we merge our feature1 branch with master git creates a new commit which contains merged files from master and feature1. After the merge we can continue developing. The merged branch is not deleted. We can continue developing (and making commits) in feature1 as well.

-c1---c2---c3---c5---c6---c7--c10---c11--c12     master
            \                /
             c4---c8---c9-------c13              feature1

One popular model is to have,

  • A release branch, representing a released version of the code.
  • A master branch, representing the most up-to-date stable version of the code.
  • Various feature and/or developer-specific branches representing work-in-progress, new features etc.

For example,

           0.1      0.2        0.3
          c6---------c9------c17------            release
         /          /       /
 c1---c2---c3--c7--c8---c16--c18---c20---c21--    master
 |                      /
 c4---c10---c13------c15                          fred
 |                   /
 c5---c11---c12---c14---c19                       kate

There are different possible workflows when using Git for code development.

One of the examples may be when the master branch holds stable and tested code. If a bug is found by a user, a bug fix can be applied to the release branch, and then merged with the master branch. When a feature or developer-specific branch, is stable and has been reviewed and tested it can be merged with the master branch. When the master branch has been reviewed and tested and is ready for release, a new release branch can be created from it. If you want to learn more about workflows with Git, have a look at the AstroPy development workflow.

Branching in practice

One of our colleagues wants to contribute to the paper but it's not quite sure if it will actually make a publication. So it will be safer to create a branch and carry on working on this "experimental" version of the paper in a branch rather than in the master.

$ git checkout -b paperWJohn
Switched to a new branch 'paperWJohn'

Now let's change the title of our paper and the autors (adding John Smith). Let's commit our changes. Before we do that, it's a good practice to check whether we're working in the correct branch.

$ git branch
* paperWJohn

The * indicates which branch we're currently in. Let's commit. If we want to work now in our master branch. We can switch by using:

$ git checkout master 
Switched to branch 'master'

Merging and resolving conflicts

We are now working on two papers. Our main one in our master branch and the one which may possibly be collaborative work in our "paperWJohn" branch. Let's suppose that we have a new idea for the title for our main paper. We can change it in our master branch. Let's do it and commit changes.

$ nano journal.txt
$ git add journal.txt
$ git commit -m "Rewrote the title" journal.txt

After some discussions with John we decided that there is going to be a major change to our plan. We will publish together. And hence it makes sense now to merge all that was authored together with John in branch "paperWJohn".

We can do that by merging that branch with the master branch. Let's try doing that:

$ git merge paperWJohn
Auto-merging journal.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in journal.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Git cannot complete the merge because there is a conflict - if you recall, journal.txt differs in the same places (lines) in the master and the paperWJohn branch. We have to resolve the conflict and then complete the merge. Let's see a bit more details:

$ git status
# On branch master
# You have unmerged paths.
#   (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
# Changes to be committed:
# Unmerged paths:
#   (use "git add ..." to mark resolution)
# both modified:      journal.txt

Let's look inside journal.txt:

<<<<<<< HEAD 
Title: A paper about proteines
Title: A paper about everything but proteines
>>>>>>> 71d34decd32124ea809e50cfbb7da8e3e354ac26 

The mark-up shows us the parts of the file causing the conflict and the versions they come from. We now need to manually edit the file to resolve the conflict. This means removing the mark-up and doing one of:

  • Keep the local version, which, here, is the one marked-up by HEAD i.e. "Title: A paper about proteines"
  • Keep the remote version, which, here, is the one marked-up by the commit identifier i.e. "Title: A paper everything but proteines"
  • Or keep a combination of the two e.g. "Title: A paper about proteines and everything else"

We edit the file. Then commit our changes e.g.

$ git add journal.txt
$ git commit -m "Resolved conflict in journal.txt by rewriting title to combine best of both originals"

This is where version control proves itself better than DropBox or GoogleDrive, this ability to merge text files line-by-line and highlight the conflicts between them, so no work is ever lost.

Working from multiple locations with a remote repository

We're going to set up a remote repository that we can use from multiple locations. The remote repository can also be shared with colleagues, if we want to.


GitHub is a GitHub is a web-based hosting service which allows users to set up their private and public source code Git repositories. It provides tools for browsing, collaborating on and documenting code. Your organisation may also offer support for hosting Git repositories - ask your local system administrator. GitHub, like other services such as Launchpad,Bitucket, GoogleCode, and SourceForge provides a wealth of resources to support projects including:

  • Time histories changes to repositories
  • Commit-triggered e-mails
  • Browsing code from within a web browser, with syntax highlighting
  • Software release management
  • Issue (ticket) and bug tracking
  • Download
  • Varying permissions for various groups of users
  • Other service hooks e.g. to Twitter.

Note GitHub's free repositories have public licences by default. If you don't want to share (in the most liberal sense) your stuff with the world and you want to use GitHub (instead of for exmple, BitBucket), you will need to pay for the private GitHub repositories (GitHub offers up to 5 free private repositories, if you are an academic - but do check this information as terms and conditions may change).

Create a new repository

Now, we can create a repository on GitHub,

  • Log in to GitHub (if you don't have an account, set up one)
  • Click on the Create icon on the top right
  • Enter Repository name: "2014-06-PISA-YOURNAME"
  • For the purpose of this exercise we'll create a public repository
  • Make sure the Initialize this repository with a README is unselected
  • Click Create Repository

You'll get a page with new information about your repository. We already have our local repository and we will be pushing it to GitHub.

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

This sets up an alias, origin, to correspond to the URL of our new repository on GitHub.

Now copy and paste the second line

$ git push -u origin master
Counting objects: 38, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
Writing objects: 100% (38/38), 3.59 KiB, done.
Total 38 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch]      master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

This pushes our master branch to the remote repository, named via the alias origin and creates a new master branch in the remote repository.

Now, on GitHub, we should see our code and click the Commits tab we should see our complete history of commits.

Our local repository is now available on GitHub. So, anywhere we can access GitHub, we can access our repository.

Cloning a remote repository

Now, let's do something drastic!

$ cd ..
$ rm -rf papers

We've just wiped our local repository! But, as we've a copy on GitHub we can just copy, or clone that,

$ git clone
Cloning into '2014-06-PISA-YOURNAME'...
Password for '':
remote: Counting objects: 12, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 12 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (12/12), done.

Now, if we change into "2014-06-PISA-YOURNAME" we can see that we have our repository,

$ cd 2014-06-PISA-YOURNAME
$ git log

and we can see our Git configuration files too,

$ ls -A
common  .git  journal.txt

But where is the papers directory, you might ask? papers was the directory that held our local repository but was not a part of it.

Push changes to a remote repository

We can use our cloned repository just as if it was a local repository so let's make some changes to our files and commit these.

Having done that, how do we send our changes back to the remote repository? We can do this by pushing our changes,

$ git push

If we now check our GitHub page we should be able to see our new changes.

Before you push to a remote repository you should always pull so you have the most up-to-date copy of the remote repository. So, on that note…

Pull changes from a remote repository

We'll work in pairs now. Find a partner and clone each other's repositories. Now each one of you should make some changes to the "journal.txt" in your repository and push it to GitHub. How to get your partner's latest changes now in the cloned repository?

One way is simply to clone the repository every time but this is inefficient, especially if our repository is very large. So, Git allows us to get the latest changes down from a repository by pullling them.

To get the partner's changes, go to the repository you cloned from their GitHub account:


And pull the changes

 $git pull 

Conclusions and further information

We've seen how we can use version control to,

  • Keep track of changes like a lab notebook for code and documents.
  • Roll back changes to any point in the history of changes to our files - "undo" and "redo" for files.
  • Back up our entire history of changes in various locations.
  • Work on our files from multiple locations.
  • Identify and resolve conflicts when the same file is edited within two repositories without losing any work.
  • Collaboratively work on code or documents or any other files.

Version control serves as a log book for your software and documents, ideas you've explored, fixes you've made, refactorings you've done, false paths you've explored - what was changed, who by, when and why - with a powerful undo and redo feature!

It also allows you to work with others on a project, whether that be writing code or papers, down to the level of individual files, without the risk of overwriting and losing each others work, and being able to record and understand who changed what, when, and why.

More information

  • Karthik Ram (2013) "git can facilitate greater reproducibility and increased transparency in science", Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2013, 8:7 doi 10.1186/1751-0473-8-7 survey of the range of ways in which version control can help research.
  • Visual Git Reference - pictorial representations of what Git commands do.
  • Pro Git - the "official" online Git book.
  • Version control by example - an acclaimed online book on version control by Eric Sink.
  • Git Branching - interactive tutorial to practice branching
  • Git commit policies - images on what Git commands to with reference to the working directory, staging area, local and remote repositories.
  • Gitolite - a way for you to host your own multi-user Git repositories. Your collaborators send you their public SSH keys then they can pull and push from/to the repositories.